Very substantial disposal involving disposal of the entire interest in Rosedale shares held Through Leaptop Group
Compliance adviser in relation to listing on Main Board
Placing of bonds
Sole arranger and sole placing agent of the company’s HKD2 billion bond placement programme
Independent financial adviser to a very substantial acquisition and connected transaction in relation to the acquisition of Ease Triumph International Limited
Discloseabale and connected transaction of China Resources Land Limited in relation to acquisiiton of certain property interests of China Resources Co., Limited and China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited involving issue of new shares and clawback offer by CRH (Land) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited
Financial adviser to the company on the placing of new shares and convertible bonds under specific mandate
Placing of new shares and convertible bonds under specific mandate
Independent financial adviser to a major acquisition and connected transaction, which forms part of Sany group’s reorganisation and injection of port machinery business in the listed company